Thursday, 31 October 2013

Ella's Walk Experimentation

For Ella. I wanted her to maintain her sprightly walk even as an old lady but a bit weighed down. Walk-Cycle B is Ella as an older cat...lady.

Frank's Walk Experimentation

I was experimenting with different walks for Frank, giving him more weight and a more Winnie The Pooh-like gait in Walk-Cycle A.

Frank and Ella Through The Ages

Improvements on Frank's Structure

Frank was not as difficult to age as Ella. his naturally round appearance, made it easy to make him look like a grumpy old grandpa.
A higher waistband, a walking stick, a chin and a receding hairline (a higher one than his younger version) were key in ageing Frank.

Justin's Improvement Drawings

Improvements on Ella's Structure

Making Ella look old was giving me a lot of trouble. Her jet black fur and kitten-like appearance made it very difficult to age her. After consulting Justin (who told me that Ella was a particularly hard nut to crack), we finally got our heads around making her look like an old lady.
Subtle changes, like a bit of a double chin. sleepy eyes, a rounder belly and making her shorter were key in making Ella look old.
What do you think?

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Ella's Basic Shapes

Ella's Basic Shapes

Frank's Shapes

After Phil suggested that I simplify my characters with basic shapes, I put these compositions together. They really helped me get my head around how I will be modeling these characters in Maya.
I also had a very helpful chat with Justin today where he helped me refine Frank's basic body structure. So there will be more improvements to the geriatric couple this week! Stay tuned!!

-Sir P. Greene

Frank's Basic Shapes

Monday, 28 October 2013

Orthographic Views of Frank and Ella

As Ella and Frank will be going into Maya, in order to be modeled, I have created the orthographic views of the two characters.


Frank-Front View
Frank- Side View


Ella- Front View
Ella- Side View

Happy Birthday Edith Head

As a thank you to Edith Head for providing such inspirational fashions for Frank and Ella, Sir P. Greene would like to dedicate a post to the wonderful designer on her birthday.

Having graduated from Stanford University in 1920, Edith Head designed clothes worn by Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, and now, Frank and Ella Owle!

So, Happy Birthday Edith Head! You're a very cool Pea-rson!

Ella's Final Turnaround

Frank's Final Turnaround

Sunday, 27 October 2013

@Phil: The Owl and The Pussycat Animatic Version 5

I finally have the fifth version of the animatic for Frank and Ella..after talking to Tutor Phil about it, I put in a few more "out-of-the-way" and crazy gags..I hope they do the trick! If there is anything you think I can add to make this better, please do comment!

Thank you!

Much love from Sir P. Greene (Live Long and Pea-sper)

It's Going To Be Here Soon!

No...I am not talking about the storm that is supposed to hit Kent this evening. I speak of a new animatic!! Yes! Another one!!

Stay tuned for more sur-pea-ses!

-Sir P. Greene

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Designs for 3D Frank

And here are Frank's designs...OPINIONS, PLEASE!!

- Sir P.

Designs for 3D Ella

Having had various looks for Frank and Ella for their flashbacks, I thought of some designs for the 3D models which will be in the interview. I will mostly be sticking to the 1930s cartoon look even in the models but I just wanted to see it these could, in some way, be exported as 1930s cartoons

Let me know what you think! =)

- Sir P Greene

Friday, 25 October 2013

Style Research: Frank and Ella's Fashion

Doing research on the fashion meant looking into fashion magazines from the 1930s. Vogue from the 1930s was particularly helpful...books such as The Thirties by Alan Jenkins, The Thirties in Vogue, Swing Style and Women's Fashion in The Thirties gave me a lot of imagery for Frank and Ella's look


Era Research

Looking into the line thickness, the fluidity and the flexibility of the characters, I have chosen these examples that jumped out at me. I have had a lot of feedback saying that Ella puts one in mind of Felix The Cat. Funnily enough, Felix was nowhere in my mind when I drew her..but his characteristics and movements are helping me to envision those of Ella.

Characters: Patrick The Pig

If not for Patrick, Frank and Ella would never have gotten their engagement ring. Sweet, weird and innocent's about time he got paid attention to.
More to come!

Please do comment!

-Sir P. Greene

Characters: Frank's Epressions

A Bit of An Error: Expression Sheets of Ella

While working on Ella's expression sheets, my intention was to use her facial arches as substitutes for her eyebrows. Unfortunately, I was using very straight lines to do this. After talking to Justin, he told me that such straight lines don't really work for organic characters and advised me to use more curves. Having taken that on board, I got some really pleasing results with Ella's expressions and I am very happy with the outcome.
Let me know what you think!

-Sir P. Greene

The Straight-Line Expressions
Justin's Demonstration of Curves

The Revised Expressions

Characters: Frank's Age-line

After looking at the beautiful age-lines of the characters of Carl Fredricksen from Disney Pixar's Up, Sully and Mike from Monsters University, I was inspired to create age-lines for Frank and Ella.

Frank Owle Age Line


Thursday, 24 October 2013

What's Playing at Sir P. Greene Right Now

Sir P. is going to have something for you the meantime, here's what he's listening to

Monday, 21 October 2013

Magazine Covers

Okay...this is the last batch of the reference images for poses and expressions that I have from the photoshoot. I got a bit excited and created magazine covers for the models...What will follow will be the characters in the same poses and pulling the same expressions. So much more exciting things to look forward to!

Stay Tuned!

-Sir P. (Frankly my dear, I don't give a P)


Character Poses References: Glamour Shots